
10 Most Dangerous Sports in the World

10 Most Dangerous Sports in the World

Sports can prove to be a time for merriment and a great source of entertainment for everyone involved from the players to the fans but every now and then, injuries and even death can cast a shadow. Involving a lot of physical contact, it hardly comes as a surprise that every sport entails an element of danger. 

These sports can cause a lot of injuries but people still do them every day. Having the duty of controlling the body is very hard, when you cannot stop yourself or you do not have control after flying off the back of a bull. Some people win money doing these things but some do not they just do it for fun. Enough things happen to you and you will end up with no legs, or other body parts that can crush your career of ever doing anything again.

List of 10 Most Dangerous Sports in the World:

Street Luge
Street Luge, Most Dangerous Sports
Street luge was born in Southern California as downhill skateboarders found they could reach faster speeds by lying down on their skateboards. Well, you can use a board or a sled for this and you will get up to high speeds. To learn how to control yourself, you will have to know how to make turns and straighten up without hitting the others in the race. Your feet are your brakes so make sure to keep them strong and powerful the whole time while doing this sport. If you are using a road to practice on then you will need to make sure no one is coming with a car or they could miss you and run you over.

Heliskiing, Most Dangerous Sports
Helicopter skiing or heli-skiing is a type of backcountry skiing/free-riding which involves a helicopter to access remote areas and slopes of virgin powder snow. It may seem like loads of fun but the sport can actually be quite dangerous. The people that are very serious about doing this will sometimes book a full year ahead of time so they know they’re going to get a chance at the great spot that has been chosen. The problem with individuals doing this is that they do not think about the consequences such as the weather changing and leaving them stranded down in an area where the helicopter cannot get to or being covered in an avalanche that will most likely kill them.

Big-Wave Surfing
Big-Wave Surfing, Most Dangerous Sports
Going for waves that are over twenty feet is dangerous but doing it to win money is just crazy. It involves danger such as your board can break and you could possible fall off and go under and drown. Anything can happen when it comes to doing something so dangerous. Rocks can get in the way of you surfing and you can damage your skull or smash it completely. If you can ride a wave that is over a hundred foot tall you will be offered the prize of one hundred thousand dollars.

Soccer, Most Dangerous Sports
Soccer is ranked second on this list probably due to the frequency of injuries in this sport. This could simply be ascribed to the vast number of players playing football but it still deserves a mention due to the frightening statistics of injuries and death in this sport. Every footballer is conscious of the risk to his body and brain throughout his career but the sheer love for the sport and massive fan following keeps the fire alive in them.

Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving, Most Dangerous Sports
Millions of people do this all over the world and have so much fun while doing it but obviously they do not think about the harmful things that could happen while they are under that water. If a diver ends up ascending the water incredibly to fast it could cause a number of things to go wrong in the body such as decompression illnesses and failure with the spinal cord, brain, or lungs. There is also still the danger that a shark could swim up and eat you while you are not paying attention to your surroundings, or cannot break the surface of the water fast enough to get away.

Cave Diving
Cave Diving, Most Dangerous Sports
The equipment used for this sport is actually different than regular scuba diving gear because the type of equipment used depends on the circumstance of the cave. This action of diving actually is different from scuba diving because there is only a partial amount of water in the cave. Most of the dangers that happen in this sport are because the person gets lighting problems or the visibility is low and that can cause the partners to be separated from each other. Hypothermia, getting lost, getting separated from your diving buddy, low visibility, lighting failure and air loss are just some of the hazards in this unusual sport.

Gymnastics, Most Dangerous Sports
Gymnastics is a sport that tests balance, strength, flexibility and control. Though originally devised to test soldiers for war in the military it now is an Olympic sport contested by many. Wrist fractures, spinal fractures, ankle sprains, cartilage damage are some among the various injuries involved. 

Bull Riding
Bull Riding, Most Dangerous Sports
Obviously this is a sport that is pretty popular in the rodeo circuits. The way to conquer it is by staying on a bull’s back for eight seconds while he tries to bump you off by jumping and twisting around in a lot of different directions. Last eight seconds and you are going to be one very popular person. Problem is that the fall from when you get thrown off or you drop down yourself, can cause a serious of injuries and some could be fatal if that bull tramples all over you.

BASE Jumping
BASE Jumping, Most Dangerous Sports
This sport is actually just like parachuting but instead of jumping from an airplane, people dive off of structures like the highest buildings or mountain cliffs. Even though doing this may seem like a lot of fun, there are plenty of risks that come with doing it. When you jump the wind could kick up and thrash your body around which could cause injuries. It is illegal in many countries, including in the US, except at organized events.

Mountain Climbing
Mountain Climbing, Most Dangerous Sports
Mountain climbing essentially involves the risky activity of climbing up and down the highest of natural rocks or mountains. Every element of this activity is risky. The climber can receive different physical injuries like twisted ankles, sprained muscles, torn ligaments, broken bones, back injury, concussion, or frostbite, during the heavy physical activities or from falls. Weather changes can be lethal, one can lose path easily, and deaths are quite common.

Ranking sports on the basis of the dangers involved isn’t exactly that easy. There are many sports that haven’t made this list but that don’t necessarily make them any less dangerous. But one thing that can be remembered is that being prepared and taking the necessary protective measures could go a long way, possibly even saves your lives!

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